3 top emigration destinations for South Africans – and how to get there

Australia Map

Research has shown that there’s been a significant increase in emigration over the past five years, especially amongst high-net-worth and ultra-high-net-worth South Africans. Political instability, safety and security, education, volatile currency or the lack of job opportunities in South Africa are some of the reasons why South Africans are increasingly looking to emigrate, says Ralph […]

104 countries you can travel to visa-free on a South African passport at the start of 2022

South Africa Plane

Henley & Partners has published its passport index for 2022, outlining the countries that South Africans can travel to visa-free right now – and how the pandemic has impacted international travel. Without taking evolving and temporary Covid-related restrictions into account, the report shows that Japan and Singapore have the strongest passports in the world and […]

South Africa is getting a new ID system – how it will work

Smart ID in Hand

Government is in the process of developing the new National Identity System (NIS), which will replace the current National Population Register and become the backbone of all Home Affairs functions in South Africa. The system, which is expected to be operational by March 2024, will enable the security and reliability of civic and immigration status […]

New vaping rules and taxes planned for South Africa

New Vaping Rules

The National Treasury has published a discussion paper outlining a proposal on the taxation of electronic nicotine and non-nicotine delivery systems (ENDS). This follows signals from the government in its previous two budget speeches that it plans to start taxing these two products. “ENDS are part of new generation products that have been introduced in […]

New SARS change could be a ‘trojan horse’, say tax experts

SARS Tax Payer Service

The South African Revenue Service (SARS) recently began sending out letters to taxpayers working abroad, confirming their change in status to non-residents for tax purposes. This is a somewhat peculiar development for expatriates who have previously ceased their tax residency, as they are now requiring an additional step to objectively support their non-residency as issued […]

Home office for tax purposes in South Africa


In a year where Covid has been rampant and many of the working conditions have changed, there should be some account of the additional costs incurred by taxpayers for working from home. Marty SantanaTaxpayers can claim a tax deduction if they have worked from home for more than half of their total working hours or […]

SARS to introduce retirement fund tax changes in 2022


South African taxpayers who receive income from retirement funds and other sources will see changes in the monthly taxes they pay in 2022. The South African Revenue Service (SARS) said it will introduce changes to its systems from 1 March 2022 to prevent taxpayers who receive income from more than one source – where one […]